WALK through the park's 96 campsites and Trick or Treat with our campers. Golf carts, strollers and wagons are welcome. Pets must be leashed.
Our campers have the best Halloween spirit! Notice all the Fun and creative decorations that they do just for YOU! They work hard and some plan for a year in advance. Don't forget to tell them Thank You for being here.
Park staff and Friends could use a helping hand for this event. Help us get patrons into the park faster and safer. Call the park's manager 337-893-3930 and let them know you'll be there to help.
Let all your family, friends and guests know that for safety reasons, No vehicles will be allowed in the campground from 3pm - 6pm. Golf carts, strollers and wagons are welcome.
Pets must be leashed.
Trina Baudoin & Friends
"Toy Story"
Dianna Henry & Friends
"Pappas Cafe"
Site # 69
Dana Bourque & Friends
"Voodoo Swamp"
Thank you Rotary Satellite Club of Vermilion After Hours for judging!
Campsite #30
Todd and Nichole O'Bryan
of Abbeville.
'Monster Movie Theater'
Campsite #33
Tony and Kady Morvant
of Abbeville.
'Haunted House'
Campsite #3
Doug and Dianna Henry
of Abbeville.
'Take a Picture Skeleton'
Thank you for getting into the spirit of the park's Halloween Celebration.