Come experience the rare beauty of the Iris Nelsonii, the world’s rarest Louisiana Iris, blooming in its natural habitat at Palmetto Island State Park's Abbeville Red Iris Bloom Event! This breathtaking red iris is a true natural treasure.
Event Highlights:
Whether you're a garden enthusiast, nature lover, or simply curious about rare flowers, this is a unique opportunity to see the Iris Nelsonii in its native habitat.
Event is made possible with the support of Louisiana Iris Conservation Initiative, Abbeville Garden Club , Friends of Palmetto Island State Park, Rotary Club of Abbeville , Louisiana Bird Observatory and Fred Villien.
Send us your 8x10 print of any one the 4 native Louisiana wild Iris. Entries will be accepted onsite until Noon.
Bayli Q. Brossette, Curator of Briarwood at the Caroline Dormon Nature Preserve in Natchitoches Parish, will give a presentation about Caroline Dormon (1888 – 1971) "A Life in Conservation" From preserving Louisiana’s native irises to advocating for protecting the longleaf pine ecosystem, her legacy is woven into the landscapes she fought to protect.
Abbeville Garden Club will be onsite to share with you the proper way to plant iris rhizomes
We know you will enjoy listening to these kids play a few French tunes. Lache Pas classes in Vermilion parish are dedicated to preserving the Cajun Culture.
Mike Glaspell has graciously loaned his photos of hummingbirds pollinating the Abbeville Red Iris.
Rotarians will be on site preparing Pork Jambalaya for lunch. $5 will get you a bowl of Jambalaya and a drink.
Louisiana Bird Observatory will be on site to talk about the hummingbirds that pollinate the iris at their booth.
You will be entertained by a representation of everything awesome LA has to offer! Brilliant musicians and songwriters bringing a fresh, youthful sound to La roots music!
Volunteers knowledgeable about the Abbeville Red Iris will be stationed on the board walk to answer your questions as you view the bloom.
Gary Salathe with Louisiana Iris Conservation Initiative will talk about the historic discovery in 1938 and the current state of this rare native plant found only in Vermilion Parish, the Abbeville Red Iris.
Visit the Nature Center and learn about all the animals that call Palmetto Island State Park home.
Activities for the kids.
View the Black Bear Exhibit
Mrs. Elaine Bourque will be on site to demonstrate the traditional Acadian method of cording and spinning brown cotton by hand!
Enjoy all that Palmetto Island State Park has to offer. Hike the trails and experience Louisiana's bottomland hardwood forest.provide comprehensive support to our clients.
Whether you're interested in volunteering, donating, or simply learning more about our organization, there are plenty of ways to get involved with Friends of Palmetto Island State Park, Inc.. We welcome individuals and groups of all backgrounds and experience levels.
No goods or services are provided in exchange for your gift. Your Abbeville Red donation is deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your tax deduction.